Sunday, November 16, 2008

A Clothing Swap Party!

A great idea from! By Wendy Atterberry

Not only is a clothing swap a great excuse to organize your closets, get rid of stuff you no longer want, and gather a group of girlfriends for an afternoon or evening of cocktails and clothes, it's also an opportunity to score some totally free new-to-you outfits and accessories.

Swapping clothes can turn into a festive occasion with food and drink.

I found one of my favorite dresses -- a vintage summer maxi dress -- at a clothing swap a couple years ago, but I've also scored some cool jewelry, a couple silk vintage slips, a few purses, and once I even nabbed a pair of barely-worn Seven jeans that fit like a glove (for once, I was grateful for my curvy hips).
Hey, one woman's trash is another woman's favorite pants, here's my top six tips for throwing a successful clothing swap...

Read more and enjoy!

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