Monday, October 27, 2008

Fall Reading

With the weather turning colder- I have been reading quite a bit. You probably noticed since my blog has been quiet lately! Here's a list of some of my current reads. Check out my book reviews at

What are you reading these days? Any recommendations?

A Year in the World by Frances Mayes.
Amazon $10.20

Be the Pack Leader by Cesar Millan.
Amazon $11.16

Cage of Stars by Jacquelyn Mitchard.
Amazon $11.19

Rhett Butler's People by Donald McCaig.
Amazon $6.99

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Autumn Abundance- Decorate for the Seasons

This is an article that I wrote- posted to Ezine Articles. Bring a bit of Autumn into your decorating this season!

Autumn Abundance- Decorate for the Seasons

The children are back in school and the leaves are changing colors- it must be autumn. This is the perfect time to welcome the season with some new décor ideas. No need to spend hours or huge dollars to achieve a great autumn look in your space. Enjoy the crisp air and take a cue in your decorating from nature and the outdoors. Bring in the fall leaves, gourds, and pumpkins with these decorating ideas!

1. Think Abundance! Autumn is all about pumpkins, gourds, apples, wheat, and colorful vegetables. Scout out the local farmer’s market and start decorating. Fill to overflowing a large basket or bowl with your fall bounty and use that as your centerpiece. Tablescape on a grand scale with pumpkins, wheat and other fall favorites.

2. Switch the pillows! Put the summer pillows and linens away. Reach for rich autumnal colors and interesting textures. Treat yourself to a new throw with great texture in chocolate brown, rust, or orange. Orange pillows instantly brighten a spot, and orange is the “IT” color this fall.

3. Turn the lights down! Group candles on a tray on your dining or coffee table. Again, think abundance and use a lot of candles- vary the height and size, but keep the color the same for maximum impact.

4. Inspired Art! Change the artwork in your living space. Hang a textural wreath where a picture was, or take photos for a black/white display that shows off your creative side.

5. Bring the branches in! Fill a vase, urn, or terra cotta pot with branches from your fall garden clean-up. They will look very sculptural in the foyer or on your fireplace hearth.

6. Don’t forget the fireplace! Place birch logs in your fireplace when it’s not in use. Or group those candles again, within the fireplace and set the mood.

7. Bake something! Nothing says autumn like the smell of comfort food and spices. The smell of cinnamon and spices, even if its cheating with a pre-bought pie placed in the oven, makes everything cozy and warm.

8. Paint your front door! Add instant curb appeal when you paint your entry door. A rich color will freshen up tired landscaping, and usher in the fall season.

9. Plant those mums! Splurge on some new fall plantings in great colors. Group them all together in terra cotta pots for maximum effect and more cost effective.

10. Wash the windows! This tip is seasonless. Nothing says “I take great joy in my home” more than clean windows. A little elbow grease goes a long way!

Enjoy the autumn season- take long walks, collect leaves, carve pumpkins, sip cider, and marvel at the beauty of nature. Open up your home to nature’s seasonal bounty and start decorating! In this season, more is definitely better- so decorate with fun abandon!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Birthday Celebration

We celebrated a birthday yesterday, and enjoyed this homemade cheesecake- yes, I did actually bake it! Lemon curd and raspberries decorated it.

The best part of the day, right behind all of the hugs and kisses was watching our "tween" thoroughly enjoy her presents. It was an electronic birthday- camera and cell phone, and pure joy! The cell phone is a prepaid minute type and she just really just loves listening to the ring tone! When was the last time you really got excited for a new gadget? I can't remember truly enjoying my cell phone, instead of viewing it as a nuisance or a necessity. Oh, to be young again!

Happy, happy day!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Autumn Basket

Need a fun, quick centerpiece? Grab a large basket and let's get started!

This basket is overflowing with items that scream FALL! Raffia and grapevine pumpkins add a splash of color and texture- go ahead and use real ones if they are available. Large pinecones add texture. Seed balls give us a great shape and feel. And finally, a bit of sparkle with a wire garland in bronze. Layer on the pretty linens and your table is set! The added bonus- this is a very light weight arrangement, so it can be taken off and moved with ease!

DIY project in minutes- what are you waiting for?

Helpful tip: Go overboard and fill the large basket with plenty of items- this is the season of abundance, after all!