Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Favorite Shades of Yellow

The buzz of bumblebees, sunny days without clouds, fragrant lemons, and friendly yellow daisies, all reflecting shades of yellow.Yellow is the color of summer. Pair it with cobalt blue, fresh grass green, or dramatic black for a sunny decorating scheme. Use it in abandon during these warm weather months and enjoy the smile the color yellow evokes!

Some of my favorite yellow things:

Daffodils in a cobalt blue setting by a window.
Lemon yellow chair- to pretty to sit in.
A collage of yellow on a piece of Portugese china.
The bath essential- yellow rubber ducky.
A box of new crayons- who can resist.
Lemon curd- fill a tart shell with it, and enjoy.
Antique yellow quilt- use it as a tablecloth for the perfect setting.


/// said...

Ahhh, I'm a fellow yellow lover. Wow--- say that ten times fast!

Great post! :)

southern daze said...

Tracey -
Thank you so much for the suggestions you left regarding my bedroom challenges (via post on decor8). I really appreciate you taking time to give me some great ideas! Believe me, I need all the help I can get! Now let's just hope I can figure out a way to bring everyone's fantastic ideas together to create a the perfect space for us!

Thanks again,